Catalyst for Change
Almost one year ago as we really dove into our use of essential oils as a family, we started to learn more about the products we were using and allowing into our home. Most of what we learned was pretty startling, and we decided to go on a journey of ditching and switching our products out from chemical-laden ones to essential oil and plant-based ones. The essential oils we were using became a catalyst for change. We wanted more of a say over what we allow into our home and onto our bodies. After all, we are the gatekeepers to our homes.
We are the gatekeepers to
our homes
What are you allowing in?
Using essential oils more and taking a harder look into what we consume has been exciting and empowering. We no longer have to question what we are putting in and on our bodies or using to clean our home. We have confidence in the safe and natural tools that essential oils have become for us. And it’s opened our eyes to a whole new way of living outside of essential oils. We have become more conscious of other products in our home, such as our food and our clothing. What started out as a journey to rid our home of chemicals lead us down a path toward more responsibility and sustainability not only for us but for others and for the planet. What is your catalyst for change going to be?